Today 600 million people live in Africa without access to electricity.
They spend up to 30% of their income on candles, batteries and kerosene and have to walk kilometers to charge their phones.
To meet this challenge, Sunna Design just released its most innovative solution ever for off grid populations: the NANOGRID.
Thanks to the major innovations developped during 5 years, Sunna Design now offers consumers goods resistant to extreme temperatures, allowing a lighting service all night long for at least 10 years.
The Nanogrid is an innovative way of bringing a first level of energy access to private households, ensuring public lighting at the same time. One Nanogrid connects up to 4 private households (each equipped with a "Sunna Box") and allows:
The Nanogrid is equipped with a smart battery management system, that allows to monitor and distribute the available energy.
The Nanogrid is cofinanced by Sunna Design and then paid back by the customers themselves on a "Pay As You Go" model. To access these private energy services, users pay less than what they did before for candles, batteries, kerosene,...
Thanks to an integrated SIM card , Sunna Design can supervise the energy access from abroad and ensure high repayment rates : customers have access to energy only once they have pre-paid.
Customers can buy different energy packs, depending on their revenues (7 days, 1 month, 6 months...).
One day before the end of the energy pack, the customer receives a SMS to remind him to buy another pack.
To produce and roll out the Nanogrids, Sunna Design needs financing.
500 000 euros have already been raised during the first crowdlending operation, thanks to 500 lenders.
This allowed Sunna to electrify a whole senegalese village, and other villages are about to be electrified in Casamance. Join us and contribute to the electrification of Africa ! We will soon start other crowdlending operations: register and we will keep you posted!
Niomoune, in Senegal, has been the first village to benefit from the Nanogrids.
138 households already benefit from Sunna's energy access!
After being trained by our local partner Sud Solar System, customers now use everyday our solution to light their home and charge their mobile phone thanks to their Sunna Box.
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If you want to be part of this success story, or if you want to be our next customer, you just need to complete the form bellow!
We will keep you posted and contact you as soon as possible.